Checking Pay Code Moves

      Verify that the same code is used in the From Account and To Account columns for any OT to CL3 move. Widen the columns as needed. Remember, though, that pay code moves onto involve transfer codes when money is involved. If the move is from Annual Leave to Comp Leave, no transfer codes apply.

      Verify that any move that starts out as HDP (Holiday Pay) goes to CLH (Comp Leave – Holiday). HDP cannot be moved to any other type of leave.

      Verify that the date of any move matches the hours entered for the initial pay code in the timecard.

      Check to ensure that the number of hours moved is less than or equal to the number of hours for that entry in the timecard. (For example, if an employee took four hours of Annual Leave and the manager moved the Annual Leave to Comp Leave Supplemental, you want to ensure that the manager didn’t accidentally move 14 hours instead of four.)