Choosing the Right TSR Category

Trying to determine which TSR category fits your help request? Here is a handy guide to get you started. This post will be updated over time. As a reminder, TEBS has recently reorganized a number of key teams and as a result you are reminded that all IT requests should be routed through TSR and the MCFRS Technology Section.

CategoryWhat is Covers
Apparatus HeadsetApparatus Headset
Applications/Software - DataIssues with Logistics App, Personnel App, EMSQA, FF Time Tracking, WOC, etc.
Applications/Software - InstalledInstalled software not working correctly.
Applications/Software - Mobile AppsMobile apps for phones or tablets (Handtevy and PSTrax). NOTE: This does not include Active911 and MCEN.
Applications/Software - Web-BasedBatt Lineup, DOC Log, MCtime, PCAP, PIMS, SharePoint, WPM, etc.
Axon Body CameraAxon Body Camera
Axon Dash CameraAxon Dash Camera
Cable TV ServiceCable TV Service
CAD System & Hardware (Including CAD Mapping and ECC Phones)CAD (ECC and Field), CAD Mapping, ECC Phones, etc.
Data Systems & RequestsData Warehouse, data reports, data mining, response data report requests, etc.
Detectors/MetersDetectors/Gas Meters
Email ServicesOutlook accounts (existing and new requests), distribution lists, groups, etc.
Email Services - ALS OnlyE-mail issues related to ALS personnel
ePCR System & HardwareePCR/Elite system, software and hardware, etc.
Fire Station AlertingFire Station Alerting
Fire Station AudioFire Station Audio
FireApp (or other RMS Issues)FireApp server, software and hardware
FirstNet Subscriber PayFirstNet Subscriber Pay
GPS SystemsGPS Systems
Hardware/Software - License or Purchase RequestAll requests to buy hardware or software, including web-based product licenses (triggers an additional form for you to submit)
IT Exemption RequestRequest for an exemption to an existing FRS and/or TEBS policy (triggers an additional form for you to submit)
Meeting Video Recording RequestRequest to record a Teams, Google or Zoom meeting
Messaging (Active911, MCEN, CMsg)Active911 and MCEN account requests and issues with existing accounts
Mobile Data (MDC)MDC software and hardware
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)MFA conection problems, requests for key fobs (activate and deactivate)
Network Systems (Including network drives & VPN access)Network drives, connectivity problems, VPN (access issues and new account requests)
Phone Number UpdatesUpdate your desk or cell phone number in the centralized list
Radio Consoles (ECC)Radio Consoles (ECC)
Radio System InfrastructureRadio System Infrastructure
Radios and EquipmentPortable and mobile radios, speaker mics, DVRS issues, etc.
Station Video CamerasStation Video Cameras
Technology HardwareDesktop computer issues, peripherals (monitor, printer, webcam, etc.) and network printers
Technology Training Site & Tracking SubsitesSystem access, transcript problems, training data tracking, etc. for the main tech training website and all tech training project subsites
Telecomm Services & HardwareDesk phones, cell phones, SONIM phones, etc.
TeleStaff System & HardwareTeleStaff System & Hardware
Tone Alert PagersTone Alert Pagers
Web-Based FormsChanges to existing web forms (Jotform, SeamlessDocs, etc.), new form requests, access to forms
Websites - ChangesAdditions, corrections or updates to one of the FRS websites. Note: To make this request, you should be a content owner or someone higher in the content owner's chain of command.
Website - IssuesUnable to access a website or some other similar issue