Common Questions

Viewing SeamlessDocs Submission Attachments

Did you receive a SeamlessDocs message, indicating you need to approve a form which may have some attachments? Would you like to view those attachments to determine if you should sign?

  • Receive the e-mail, requesting your signature and click the Sign Document link or button, as directed in the message.
  • Wait for the browser to load your form.
  • Click the paper clip (attachments) icon.
    Paper Clip icon for Attachments
  • Note that the Upload Attachments window appears. It is nearly identical for someone who needs to attach a file as it is for someone who needs to review a file.
    SeamlessDocs Upload Attachment Dialog Box
  • Click the link labeled Click Here to View (as opposed to Click Here to Upload). The file will either open in a new tab or download to your default download folder (typically the Downloads folder).

Choosing the Right TSR Category

Trying to determine which TSR category fits your help request? Here is a handy guide to get you started. This post will be updated over time. As a reminder, TEBS has recently reorganized a number of key teams and as a result you are reminded that all IT requests should be routed through TSR and the MCFRS Technology Section.

CategoryWhat is Covers
Apparatus HeadsetApparatus Headset
Applications/Software - DataIssues with Logistics App, Personnel App, EMSQA, FF Time Tracking, WOC, etc.
Applications/Software - InstalledInstalled software not working correctly.
Applications/Software - Mobile AppsMobile apps for phones or tablets (Handtevy and PSTrax). NOTE: This does not include Active911 and MCEN.
Applications/Software - Web-BasedBatt Lineup, DOC Log, MCtime, PCAP, PIMS, SharePoint, WPM, etc.
Axon Body CameraAxon Body Camera
Axon Dash CameraAxon Dash Camera
Cable TV ServiceCable TV Service
CAD System & Hardware (Including CAD Mapping and ECC Phones)CAD (ECC and Field), CAD Mapping, ECC Phones, etc.
Data Systems & RequestsData Warehouse, data reports, data mining, response data report requests, etc.
Detectors/MetersDetectors/Gas Meters
Email ServicesOutlook accounts (existing and new requests), distribution lists, groups, etc.
Email Services - ALS OnlyE-mail issues related to ALS personnel
ePCR System & HardwareePCR/Elite system, software and hardware, etc.
Fire Station AlertingFire Station Alerting
Fire Station AudioFire Station Audio
FireApp (or other RMS Issues)FireApp server, software and hardware
FirstNet Subscriber PayFirstNet Subscriber Pay
GPS SystemsGPS Systems
Hardware/Software - License or Purchase RequestAll requests to buy hardware or software, including web-based product licenses (triggers an additional form for you to submit)
IT Exemption RequestRequest for an exemption to an existing FRS and/or TEBS policy (triggers an additional form for you to submit)
Meeting Video Recording RequestRequest to record a Teams, Google or Zoom meeting
Messaging (Active911, MCEN, CMsg)Active911 and MCEN account requests and issues with existing accounts
Mobile Data (MDC)MDC software and hardware
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)MFA conection problems, requests for key fobs (activate and deactivate)
Network Systems (Including network drives & VPN access)Network drives, connectivity problems, VPN (access issues and new account requests)
Phone Number UpdatesUpdate your desk or cell phone number in the centralized list
Radio Consoles (ECC)Radio Consoles (ECC)
Radio System InfrastructureRadio System Infrastructure
Radios and EquipmentPortable and mobile radios, speaker mics, DVRS issues, etc.
Station Video CamerasStation Video Cameras
Technology HardwareDesktop computer issues, peripherals (monitor, printer, webcam, etc.) and network printers
Technology Training Site & Tracking SubsitesSystem access, transcript problems, training data tracking, etc. for the main tech training website and all tech training project subsites
Telecomm Services & HardwareDesk phones, cell phones, SONIM phones, etc.
TeleStaff System & HardwareTeleStaff System & Hardware
Tone Alert PagersTone Alert Pagers
Web-Based FormsChanges to existing web forms (Jotform, SeamlessDocs, etc.), new form requests, access to forms
Websites - ChangesAdditions, corrections or updates to one of the FRS websites. Note: To make this request, you should be a content owner or someone higher in the content owner's chain of command.
Website - IssuesUnable to access a website or some other similar issue

Changing Your Tech Training Password

Can’t remember your tech training password and/or just want to change it? Here are the steps:

  • Go to the tech training website.
  • Find and click the Reset Password link, located near the top-right of the screen.
  • Note the box that appears:
    Password Reset Box 1
  • Input your username and click the E-Mail Reset Link button. A message will be sent to the e-mail address on file with your tech training website account. (If that e-mail address is no longer valid, please contact Jeff Feiertag ( to update the address.
  • Find the message in your e-mail account. (If you do not see it, please check your junk/spam folder).
  • Click the link provided in the e-mail message. This will take you back to the website to show the following box:
    Password Reset Box 2
  • Input your username again, followed by the new password of your choice. Please use at least eight characters and the following:
    • At least one upper-case letter
    • At least one lower-case letter
    • At least one number
    • At least one special character
  • Click the Change Password button and verification will be sent to the same e-mail address on file.


Choosing Where (and Where Not) to Send Your MFA Code for Office and ePortal

When you go to log into ePortal or Office, are you getting a code for multi-factor authentication (MFA) in too many places? Do you prefer to change where it’s going now?

Go to ePortal (either by direct link or via Quicklinks).

Click the My Account button and log in as directed. (Key in the MFA code you receive.)

My Account Button



Find and click Select Multi-Factor Authentication Options link in the list.

Select MFA Options Link




Key in the MFA code that the system sends you.

Check or uncheck boxes to set your preferences as to where you would like to receive MFA codes from the county and click the Save MFA Options button.

Save MFA Options button



Log out of ePortal when you are finished.

Changing Your Insurance Setup during Open Enrollment

Need to change your insurance setup? This is done each fall during Open Season. Here is the basic approach:

Log into ePortal (either directly here or via Quicklinks) and then click the link for Employee Self Service.

Click the picture of the hand with a mouse next to the Employee Self Service label.





Note the blue links on the left side of the page.  Click the link for MCG HR Employee Self Service in order to expand the list of links.

Click to choose Self-Service Benefits.

Note that the cover page for Dependents will likely load, showing any dependents you may have on file. Click the Next button to continue, located at the top-right corner of the screen.

OE Program Options





Ensure that the option for Active Employee Benefit Program is selected and click the Next button to continue.

Review the insurance options (showing your current selections with the new rates). Note that your current options will carry over to the new enrollment automatically, unless you change them. The only exceptions are FSA and HSA, which both reset to $0 each year. If you would like to change any insurance options and/or add money to either the FSA or HSA accounts, click the Update Benefits button, located at the top-right corner to continue.

Choose whatever options you prefer. (Again, current selections are already filled in with the assumption that you want to continue your coverage as it now stands.)

Add coverage for Health Care FSA and/or Child Care FSA as you see fit. If you are going to do so, enter amount for the entire calendar year in the appropriate Coverage input box. The amount will be evenly divided by 26 (the number of pay periods in the calendar year), and that much money will be taken from your paycheck to pay for the service. For example, the screen shot below shows FSA coverage of $520, which will cost the employee $20 per pay period.

FSA Example

Click the Next button, located at the top and bottom right corners.

Review the dependent coverage and make changes as needed. Click the Next button when ready.

Attach any new enrollment or certification documentation, and then click the Next button to continue.

Review the complete coverage and cost information. Click the Printable Page button to print a receipt of the changes you have made.

Click the Finish button, located at the bottom-right corner of the screen, when you have completed the process.

Click the ePortal logout button, located at the top-right corner of the screen (as shown below).

ePortal Logout


Setting up your MCGOV E-Mail Account on Your iPhone


  • Go to Settings and choose Mail.
  • Click Accounts.
  • Click Add Account.
  • Choose Microsoft Exchange and input your e-mail address where indicated.
  • Add MCGOV as the description and click the Next link (at the top-right corner).
  • Note that a pop-up will appear, asking if you want to configure manually or sign in directly. Choose Sign In.
  • Wait for the screen to verify your account and then you will see the MCG login screen.
  • Change the top line to your username from your email address. Your MCGOV username is your Windows username followed by (For example, Michael Johnson’s username might be
  • Input the MFA security code where prompted, which would have just been sent to you and ensure that the box is checked.
  • Click the Verify Code button.
  • Select which facets of Outlook you would like to include (Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders and/or Notes).
  • Click the Save link at the top-right corner.


Troubleshooting MCtime Java/Manager Version

Note: These directions were updated on 03/29/2022.

As Java changes often present MCtime troubleshooting opportunities for managers, here is a guideline for you. Please remember that FRS Technology is always available and happy to help, though. If you would like assistance, please fill out a Tech Service Request (per FCGO 21-02) and select Applications/Software – Web Based for the Nature of Problem (category) field.

The list below is a progressive set of directions and you may need to check MCtime as you go along — what may resolve the issue for one computer may require more steps for another. Also, please remember to use Microsoft Edge. Again, to stress the point, let FRS Technology know if you would like assistance at any time.

Software Center (if there are Java-related items)

  • Locate and run MCG Software Center on your Windows desktop.
  • Install the latest version of Java (JRE) and User Check.

Software Center (if there are not Java-related items)

  • Follow these directions to update Software Center, to show Java-related items. (The directions should open in a new tab. return here when finished.)
  • Wait five minutes.
  • Locate and run MCG Software Center on your Windows desktop.
  • Install the latest version of Java (JRE) and User Check.

Attempt #1: Test MCtime

  • Try to access MCtime and log in. See if you can pull up a timecard to edit successfully. if you cannot, continue down this troubleshooting list.
    Note: If you are telecommuting, ensure that you are connected to the VPN before continuing to troubleshoot with the Software Center.

Deployment Text File

  • Open a Windows folder (either through File Explorer or any folder you have in Windows).
  • Navigate to C:\Users\[your_username]\App Data\Local Low\Sun\JAVA\Deployment\ and delete the deployment text file.

Attempt #2: Test MCtime

  • Try to access MCtime and log in. See if you can pull up a timecard to edit successfully. if you cannot, continue down this troubleshooting list.
    Note: If you are telecommuting, ensure that you are connected to the VPN before continuing to troubleshoot with the Software Center.

Creating a SeamlessDocs Account to Save Forms You Are Completing

If you are filling out forms for the department (and not creating them; that’s different), you may want to create an account in SeamlessDocs so that you may save your place in a form and return to it later. Here are the steps you need to take. We recommend you follow this procedure before starting to fill out a form:

  • Open a form you would like to fill out and submit.
  • Find and click the Save button (located in different places in different browsers, but most often in the lower-left corner of the screen).
    SeamlessDocs Save Button
  • Note the alert that pops up, telling you to save your work.
    Save Your Work Dialog Box
  • Click the Save Your Work button.
  • Find the Register Now button and click it to proceed.
    Register Now Button
  • Fill in the form with the information requested. Neither Montgomery County Government nor MCFRS will have access to this password.
    SeamlessDocs registration Form 1
  • Click the Register Now button.
  • Open your e-mail and click the yellow button to access your SeamlessDocs account.
  • Log in with the e-mail address as username and the password you just created. Click the Login button.
  • Return to your e-mail account (if prompted, which usually only happens the first time) to verify your SD account. Click the Verify E-Mail button in the e-mail message you receive.
  • Note that SeamlessDocs loads and takes you to a general area, instead of going directly back to the form you were filling out earlier. Find the My Submissions listing on the left side of the screen.
    My Submissions
  • Click the Incomplete link to see which form(s) you have begun but not yet submitted.
  • Double-click the name of the form and fill out your form. Save your work as often as you wish.
  • Remember to log out of SeamlessDocs when you are finished. The Log Out link is found by clicking the File menu at the top-left of the screen.

Adding a Resource Mailbox in Outlook Desktop

Were you recently granted access to a resource mailbox in Outlook? Are you using Outlook Desktop? If both are true, this message is for you.

  • Open Outlook Desktop.
  • Find and right-click your name in the folder list on the left side of the screen.
  • Choose Data File Properties.
  • Click the Advanced button.
  • Click the Advanced tab.
  • Click the Add button.
  • Type the name of your resource mailbox and then click the three successive OK buttons.
  • Find the new mailbox in your folder list. (As an outline, it will be even with your name, but likely pretty far down the pane.)
  • See if you can expand the item (using the > symbol). If you cannot, your rights need to be adjusted at the server level.

Resetting Your FireApp Password

Users may use the Change Password button from the login screen to reset your FireApp password.

  • Input your FDID in the Officer ID field.
  • Click the Change Password button.

FireApp Change Password Button









You will then receive a temporary PIN (sent to the e-mail address on file with FireApp). Input the code along with your new password (and confirmation second entry of that password).

FireApp Change Password Screen












Click the Submit New Password button and you’re ready to log into FireApp.