Accessing EMRC via Radio

Notes from MIEMSS for Calling EMRC:

  • The initial call from the EMS unit should be “EMRC, this is <Jurisdiction Name> <Unit Number>.”
    • Do not expect EMRC to recognize NCR County codes. Multiple jurisdictions have unit numbers
      that start with 7 and 8.
    • While not mandatory, it is helpful to state during the initial call whether the provider is utilizing a UHF radio (EMRC Med Radio) or 800 MHz radio.
  • EMRC will respond and advise whether to go ahead with your request or to stand by.
    • Please do not make any requests until the EMRC operator acknowledges your unit number.
  • After EMRC has advised to go ahead with your transmission, state your request:
    • State the receiving hospital and whether a physician-consult is needed.
    • Noting if a physician consult is required will ensure that the EMRC brings an authorized
      consulting base station on the line. Some facilities are not authorized to provide online medical
  • EMRC will then direct you to a med channel for connection with the hospital.
  • Upon changing to the med channel acknowledge that you are on the med channel with your unit
    identifier: “<Jurisdiction Name> <Unit Number> online”.

    • This is important when using the conventional EMS radios. Your transmission is needed to steer
      the automated electronic system to the correct radio tower for your area.
  • 6. Once a hospital announces they are on line identify your unit and proceed with your request or report.
    • If you are unsure you have the correct hospital(s) online, have them confirm their facility name.

Some Additional Important Notes:

  • Remember, EMRC services many jurisdictions. The initial call should be brief.
  • Always use plain language and avoid abbreviations or codes.
  • State the full hospital name being requested.
  • Please be extra cautious with the following common miscommunications:
    • Howard University Hospital vs Howard County General Hospital
    • Washington Hospital Center vs both the Maryland-based Washington Adventist Hospital and Fort Washington Hospital.
    • EMRC is often confused when units request “PG Shock Trauma”. The operator may bring up
      BOTH Prince Georges Hospital Center (PGHC) and R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center.
      Refer to the PGHC Trauma Center as “Prince Georges Hospital Center”.
    • MEDSTAR Trauma Center vs Washington Hospital Center Adult Emergency Department. Like
      University of Maryland Hospital and Shock Trauma, these are two separate facilities with
      separate lines. Please either use “MEDSTAR Trauma” or “Washington Hospital Center”.
    • The Children’s facility at United Medical Center is a separate facility with its own consultation
      line. Please specify to EMRC that would like “Children’s at United Medical Center” or
      “Children’s at Southern Avenue”.
    • The Children’s facility at United Medical Center is not a recognized base station and cannot
      provide medical direction. Simultaneous consultation is required with both a physician from
      Children’s National Medical Center (CNMC) and the Children’s Facility at United Medical
    • CNMC utilizes their own radio operator to patch consults. Once EMRC connects a unit to CNMC
      you will be required to communicate your request a second time to the CNMC radio operator.