
Pay Period Close Checklist (Revised 2014-12)

Overall Review of a Group of Timecards

  • Total Hours Toward Schedule is accurate for their work assignment
  • Negative hours in the Totals and Schedule tab
  • Regular Hours with overtime codes
  • Light Duty hours should have appropriate Reason Code
  • Overtime entries and approvals
  • Comp Leave Supplemental
  • Pay Code Moves
  • Personal Days
  • AWOL Hours
  • Terminated Employees
  • Timecard Approvals

 Review of Overtime

  • Overtime Hours have the CC and Reason Code
  • Overtime approvals on the correct date and for the correct amount of hours
  • Overtime approvals or Overtime approved as “ALL”
  • Overtime approvals are not duplicated

 Review of Comp Leave Supplemental

  • Comp Leave Supplemental is recorded as a Pay Code Move

 Review of Pay Code Moves

  • OT to Comp with identical To and From account codes and on the correct date
  • Comp to OT with identical To and From account codes and on the correct date
  • HDP to CLH on the correct date and does not include To and From account codes
  • Pay Code Move to correct an incorrect Pay Code Move
  • Pay Code Move to Bereavement is not selected inadvertently
  • Pay Code Move to change a leave type to Comp Leave Supplemental
  • Pay Code Move to change the hours on one specific day at a time

 Review of Personal Days

  • Personal Day is recorded as a Pay Code Edit

Review of AWOL Hours

  • Pay Code Move is done if the cascade of leave caused the AWOL Hours
  • AWOL Hours remain if legit AWOL and appropriate notifications made

 Review of HDP/CLH

  • Timecard displays the holiday
  • Pay Code Move to CLH on the correct date and does not include To and From Codes

 Review of Terminated Employees with Hours Worked

  • Hours must correspond with termination date

Review of Employee / Manager Approval on Timecards

  • Employee and Manager must approve timecards


How to Check HDP to CLH Errors

If a holiday move was done incorrectly (e.g., the wrong date, you will see negative hours. Here’s the process:

  • Access My Genies and select the Check Overtime genie.
  • Select the group you are reviewing (e.g., A Shift).
  • Change the Time Period to Range of Dates and key in the three or four days before the holiday.
  • Click twice on the HDP column.
  • Look for any row with negative hours in HDP or CLH. This results from a move on an incorrect date.
  • Repeat the process with the three days following the holiday.

Additionally, some timecards may have lost the HDP entirely before anyone tried to move to CLH. This comes up with personnel either in MIL or AWOL status (among other system errors). To check for HDP/CLH that is NOT on timecards due to possible pay pule errors:

  • Access My Genies and select the Check Overtime genie.
  • Select the group you are reviewing (e.g., A Shift).
  • Change the Time Period to the specific holiday date.
  • Click on the HDP column and then on the CLH column.
  • Follow down the entire list of employees and make sure everyone has hours showing in either HDP or CLH columns.   If someone does not, then you’ll need to review the timecard.

Checking Pay Code Moves

      Verify that the same code is used in the From Account and To Account columns for any OT to CL3 move. Widen the columns as needed. Remember, though, that pay code moves onto involve transfer codes when money is involved. If the move is from Annual Leave to Comp Leave, no transfer codes apply.

      Verify that any move that starts out as HDP (Holiday Pay) goes to CLH (Comp Leave – Holiday). HDP cannot be moved to any other type of leave.

      Verify that the date of any move matches the hours entered for the initial pay code in the timecard.

      Check to ensure that the number of hours moved is less than or equal to the number of hours for that entry in the timecard. (For example, if an employee took four hours of Annual Leave and the manager moved the Annual Leave to Comp Leave Supplemental, you want to ensure that the manager didn’t accidentally move 14 hours instead of four.)

Verifying Held-on-Incident vs. Continued Backfill

When someone works his/her normal shift and goes on a call that bleeds over, past the end of his/her shift, then (s)he should add a row of Hours Worked with transfer codes as follows:

      Cost Center: The station’s cost center

      Reason: FRS060HI (Held in Incident)

When someone works overtime and goes on a call that bleeds over, past the end of his/her shift, then (s)he should not add an entry for FRS060HI. Instead, (s)he should add in continued backfill (such as FRS060FF with the station’s Cost Center).

Further, since no day may have more than 24 hours of regular Hours Worked, the individual may need to put the time (continued FRS060HI or a backfill) on the following day in MCtime.

MCtime Minutes to Decimal Conversion Chart

Below is a chart to help you convert minutes to decimals for use with MCtime.

Minutes Decimals Minutes Decimals
1 0.02 31 0.52
2 0.03 32 0.53
3 0.05 33 0.55
4 0.07 34 0.57
5 0.08 35 0.58
6 0.10 36 0.60
7 0.12 37 0.62
8 0.13 38 0.63
9 0.15 39 0.65
10 0.17 40 0.67
11 0.18 41 0.68
12 0.20 42 0.70
13 0.22 43 0.72
14 0.23 44 0.73
15 0.25 45 0.75
16 0.27 46 0.77
17 0.28 47 0.78
18 0.30 48 0.80
19 0.32 49 0.82
20 0.33 50 0.83
21 0.35 51 0.85
22 0.37 52 0.87
23 0.38 53 0.88
24 0.40 54 0.90
25 0.42 55 0.92
26 0.43 56 0.93
27 0.45 57 0.95
28 0.47 58 0.97
29 0.48 59 0.98
30 0.50