Tracking and Reviewing Word 2013 Document Changes

To Turn on Tracking:

  • Choose the Review tab on the Ribbon.
  • Choose Track Changes to begin monitoring for edits/ changes made to the document.
  • The user may now begin to edit the document.  When edits/ changes are made to a document, a red vertical bar will display in the left margin next to the area where changes were made.

To Review Changes:

  • Find a red vertical bar in the left margin and click on it.  This will change the view of the document and any edits/ changes will now appear on the screen.
    • Additions to the document are a different color text and underlined.
    • Deletions to the document are a different color text with strikethrough formatting.
  • Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.
  • Find Track Changes under the Review tab on the Ribbon and choose Next.  Choosing Next will highlight the first edit/ change made to the document.
  • Decide whether to Accept the change to the document, or Reject the change to the document.
    • Choosing to Accept the edits/ changes will automatically change the document.
    • Choosing to Reject  the edits/ changes will automatically revert the document back to its original state.
    • Repeat the above step until you have reviewed all the edits/ changes made to the document.

You may decide that you would like to accept all edits/ changes made to the document

  • Find Track Changes under the Review tab on the Ribbon.
  • Click on the arrow below the Accept option and choose Accept All Changes.

If you would like to see who made each edit/ change to the document:

  •  Click on Track Changes under the Review tab on the Ribbon and choose Reviewing Pane.  Reviewing Pane will display the types of edits made and the person who made the edit/ change.

When you are finished reviewing the edits/ changes to the document:

  • Click on Track Changes under the Review tab to turn this feature off.


Documenting a Patient Assist

Scenario: You are dispatched on a patient assist call. You arrive at the patient’s home and help him off the floor. Should you do a report?

From the EMS brass:

“While we’re still considering whether this should be a report, it’s a safer bet right now to assume you should do a report. When you arrive and inquire about the patient to the patient, you’re essentially starting an assessment. Also, if you help him up and then three days later he has pain, also saying he tried to tell you and you weren’t interested, it’s difficult for us to determine what happened or didn’t happen if there is not report.”

In short, it looks like you should do a report until/unless you hear otherwise from headquarters.

Setting Firefox As Your Default Browser

Interested in making Firefox your default browser and moving away from Internet Explorer? Here are some basic instructions.

(Note 1: Some MCG applications and websites require you to use IE so you still may need to run it from time to time.)

(Note 2: This post assumes you already have Firefox installed on your computer. If you have a county PC and it is not already installed, please contact the county IT helpdesk at 240.777.2828 and ask for Chrome to be installed. Please have the DCM number ready when you call.)

  • Click the Firefox menu button at the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Choose Options.
  • Ensure you are on the General tab.
  • Note the first line in the options: Firefox is not your default browser.
  • Locate and click the button to the right of that statement labeled Make Default.

Setting Chrome As Your Default Browser

Interested in making Chrome your default browser and moving away from Internet Explorer? Here are some basic instructions.

(Note 1: Some MCG applications and websites require you to use IE so you still may need to run it from time to time.)

(Note 2: This post assumes you already have Chrome installed on your computer. If you have a county PC and it is not already installed, please contact the county IT helpdesk at 240.777.2828 and ask for Chrome to be installed. Please have the DCM number ready when you call.)

  • Click the Chrome menu button at the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Choose Settings.
  • Find and click the button labeled Make Google Chrome the default browser at the bottom of the program options.Make Chrome Default Button

Noting the New FRS Distribution Lists (March 2015)

We now have some new distribution lists!

You are probably aware that group for the higher ranks have been in place for a long time (e.g., #FRS.Assistant Chiefs, #FRS.Captains, etc.) but we now have distribution lists for lower ranks, too:

  • #FRS.Master Firefighters
  • #FRS.FireFighters

There are others, too:

  • #FRS.CMF Staff
  • #FRS.PSTA Staff


Finding Office 365 Applications

Have you logged into Outlook 365 (e-mail) and can’t find your calendar? Wondering how to access other Office 365 applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint?

Calendar and OneDrive used to be on the right side of the title bar but they have moved.

Find and click the Office 365 icon consisting of nine squares in one square (as shown on the left side of the graphic below).

365 Icon

At that point, you will see all of your Office 365 applications available in a small menu. Click the tile for the application of your choice.

Note: DTS is preparing materials for people to see the basics of the Office 365 applications with a target date of June 2015 (when Office XP is removed from county computers). MCFRS Tech Training is also preparing some materials that should offer more detail, to be available in the spring of 2015.